Well, Apparently NOT….

Okay, it doesn’t, necessarily, have to get better. 

We DID attend Christmas Eve dinner and chapel with Todd’s Grandmother.  It was a lovely time and the kiddos did just great.  Every year, she has a small chapel service that everyone participates.  Aggie did just beautifully.  She said her line nice and clear and I was so proud!  Her Mommy, missed her line trying to shove Pate’s mouth full of Pez candy so that he would stop flirting with the family!

Unfortunately, on our way home, we learned that my dear Granddaddy had passed away that same evening.  He was 94 years old and had advanced dementia the last couple of years.  It was a sad day, but overall a blessing.  Funny, how God works.  He had been singing hymns word for word for the past several weeks.  I think he just wanted to join to angel choir for the biggest performance of the year!  He will be greatly missed, but I have so much comfort in his life as a Christian man.  Please pray for my sweet Grandmother as the transition will be very difficult.  They were married for 67 years!

In addition to that my mother-in-law had a short stay at Baylor.  She is doing much better now.  Todd was sweet to stay here and keep the kiddos and hold down the fort so that I could spend time with my family for the services. 

We DID end up having a wonderful Christmas.  We enjoyed tamales, Mexican casserole, beans, the works and opened gifts the Sunday after Christmas.  The kiddos got some really fun gifts and we are having a great time playing.  I didn’t manage to get many pictures (a little preoccupied:-)) but I am taking tons now. 

We mangaged, today, to find the floor and the playroom is now officially organized.  I’ll post pics soon…..super excited.

Overall, Christmas was great and the New Year arrived even with us in bed!

1 Response to “Well, Apparently NOT….”

  1. 1 jenny January 4, 2009 at 3:00 am

    So sorry about your Granddaddy 😦 I know what you mean about it being a blessing though. Will remember your Grandma.

    I can’t wait for playroom pics. Do you have any suggestions??? Jason and I spent hours in ours today, and I can’t say it’s a whole lot better than it was.

    Okay, it’s better.
    Not where I want it to be though.

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January 2009